German health insurance system properties

German health insurance system properties

German health insurance organization is characterized by a dual system, which is either a government health insurance system (GKV) or private health insurance (PKV). While the public health insurance system is characterized as available for almost all applicants, the private health insurance system is subject to certain conditions.

Where it can be for the citizens of the European Union and citizens of countries that have concluded with the Federal Republic of Germany, the Convention on Social Security to remain under the insurance in effect on them at home. However there could be significant differences between insurance services in some countries about Germany, which makes the question of payment in exchange for additional financial  do inevitable.

Government health insurance system) depends (GKV on the principle of solidarity, where that all insured pay equal amounts of money in the ratio. The amount of money at the present time, 15.5 per cent of net income, defined as the actual amounts: where are deductible proportion of the amount of unpaid work and turn it into the treasury the insurance company, and is calculated by the amount of money that reaches up to the so-called profits. And it gets all of the government-insured medical services, which have around a specific public officially. Moreover, there is a special government insurance system possibility is the possibility of free health insurance for children and the husband / wife in the family insurance framework.

It considers membership in the private health insurance is available to all persons, including persons who are not subject to government health insurance mandatory

According to the income, according to the health status and life insurance and tariffs paid by the insured, where the fall advantages obtained by each insured, in particular, is determined the amounts paid in the private health insurance.

Rarely are subject to a list of private health insurance services to government rules, and are often of a wider range of government counterpart. And can addition to direct services provided exclusively for twins insured. The insured pay the amount of money in advance because of the cost of examination, then the insurance company to pay these sums after submitting his account to it (the principle of reimbursement).


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